lundi 29 septembre 2014

Writing a Good Blog

Writing a Good Blog

Blogs or Web logs, are online journals that are updated frequently, sometimes even daily. An update (also known as a starter or a job) is usually quite short, perhaps a few sentences, and readers can often respond to online registration. People who write blogs are commonly called bloggers. Bloggers, tongue in cheek, call themselves and their blogs in the blogosphere.

Blogs are a great way to keep everyone in the family on the latest news of the family without running up the phone bill - you can just read back over the important updates for the latest news. In addition, many blogs are used to host images and their chronological structure can be a great way to keep track of the growth of a baby, a trip, or the process of planning a wedding.

Professional writers often look down on bloggers, because their informal online writing rarely has a good editor. Blogs are known for their casual writing and unpredictable material object, but the best blogs have proved that - regardless of punctuation and spelling - even writers "novices" can be entertaining enough to attract a large audience.

Bloggers with a particular subject of commitment, as the chronicle of a trip around the world, have the advantage of material intrinsically interesting, but even mundane material can attract an audience if you have an engaging style and voice.

Here are three guidelines for writing a successful blog:

Develop a writing style and tone that suits your material in question.
Post often, even if your messages are short.
Allow your readers to comment on your posts.

Develop a writing style and voice

A great website design and technical gadgets do not replace the development of a style of writing interesting to read. Most of us do not make a lot of personal writing in our lives every day or even keeping a journal. Write about yourself is never easy, and you may find yourself freezing in front of the computer screen or become stilted and unnecessarily wordy.

Here are some suggestions you can use to develop your own voice and style of your blog. First, remember that a blog is a conversation. Try to write the way you talk. Avoid jargon and clichés and do not abuse the thesaurus. It may be helpful to talk about your entry aloud before attempting to enter or read it aloud after you've written. If you have trouble you read aloud does not talk too much, think about what you would say if you were talking to a friend rather than writing.

Second, write your blog with a special friend or family member in mind. Thinking of someone you know well and who might want to read your blog will help you relax your writing style. That is why it has become popular for many people start diary entries with Dear Diary. The goal is to get your writing sounds more like you and less like a high test.

Always consider your audience. If you write only for close friends and family, you do not need to explain that Sarah is your 8 year old daughter, whenever you mention her. But if your blog attracts a wider audience, you can create references or glossaries to help new readers to follow along.

Finally, before you start blogging, spend some time visiting other blogs that are like the one you are thinking of starting. Read one or two for a few weeks and pay attention to things like the length of messages, frequency, writing style and subject material. You can get some good ideas for your own blog noting what you find interesting and compelling in other people's blogs.

Update, update, update 

Blogs that attract the most readers are those with frequent updates. If you start a blog, be prepared to spend some time working on it every day or two. If you're going to be a blogger, you have to blog! It takes discipline for most of us to write even the conversation every day. If you find yourself dreading your blog post, perhaps a blog is not for you.

As you go about your day, keep the blog on the back of your mind. You can even carry a notebook where you can write down reminders for topics you want to blog a little later. Start paying attention to the parts of your life that are most interesting to you; those areas that are likely friends and family are most interested in as well. Do not be afraid to write about daily activities - parking tickets and car repairs - but do not neglect to talk about what you think and feel. All these areas, it will be possible for you to update it frequently.

Having a co-blogger can take some of the pressure, especially if all authors contribute regularly. If you will be working with several people on a blog, talk on the frequency you expect another to add to that you can keep some focus and cohesion of your blog.

If you update your blog on a weekly, biweekly or monthly, try to be consistent when you add new posts so that your readers know when to catch up. For example, you can choose to update your site every Sunday evening.

Invite comments 

An important aspect of blogs is that they have the drafting of the blogger and the readers' comments. When you visit a blog, you will often find a comment link below the text of each blog. By clicking this link, you can read reviews of others and submit your own. Usually bloggers make their own comments in messages on their site, but sometimes a blogger adds a reply in the comments section because it is a more direct approach to the comment of another way.

All bloggers choose the comment function does not implement, but if you want to develop a dialogue with the public, the comments are the best way to do it. The comment feature is an easy way to engage your audience and get valuable information about what you are doing with your blog.

If you decide to allow comments on your blog, do not forget to keep an eye on them. The comment feature, it is possible for anyone to add comments to your blog and you may not always like what they have to say. For example, spammers sometimes take advantage of bloggers inattention to do a bit of marketing you do not want on your blog. Any good blogging software, it is easy for the author to delete comments.

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